Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The duality of man

My spiritual side longs to serve and please God in all that I do.
My fleshly side longs to serve and please myself no matter what the cost.

My spiritual side loves to lift up and support other people.
My fleshly side is only interested in what they can do for me.

My spiritual side cultivates kindness, gentleness, and forgiveness.
My fleshly side embraces abrasiveness as a tool that manipulates others.

My spiritual side is disciplined enough to obey traffic laws.
My fleshly side loves to zoom like the wind with no concern about how it endangers other motorists.

My spiritual side is patient with those who live near me.
My fleshly side wants no neighborhood children playing in my yard. Ever!

My spiritual side knows I am a unique creation of God.
My fleshly side thinks I am just another cog with no special purpose.

My spiritual side knows God wants an active role in my life.
My fleshly side wonders whether He really hears me at all.

My spiritual side understands the need for moderation.
My fleshly side believes there is nothing wrong with that fourth piece of chocolate cake.

My spiritual side wants me to open my heart and let others see who I am.
My fleshly side wants to keep people at arm's length.

My spiritual side loves to attend a worship service and praise Jesus.
My fleshly side loves to sleep late on Sunday and watch ESPN in bed.

My spiritual side looks at the hobo on the side of the road and wants to help.
My fleshly side believes he is getting what he deserves.

My spiritual side teaches me to be content with what I have.
My fleshly side wants the green grass on the other side.

My spiritual side prays for our leaders in government.
My fleshly side wants to set everything on fire and smile while watching it all burn to the ground (but then again, there is a time for everything).

My spiritual side is grateful for modern conveniences.
My fleshly side wonders whether the restaurant meal I just ate for $12 was slapped together in a microwave.

My spiritual side understands the need for humility.
My fleshly side believes I have a higher IQ than everybody in Alabama combined.

My spiritual side enjoys giving.
My fleshly side is selfish in unspeakable ways.

My spiritual side runs to the Light.
My fleshly side crouches and rests in darkness.

My spiritual side understands that I have been blessed in remarkable ways.
My fleshly side wonders why my life is so lacking.

My spiritual side enjoys the give and take of teaching a Sunday school class.
My fleshly side makes it easy to view that class as just another obligation to fulfill.

My spiritual side is filled with contentment.
My fleshly side is filled with despair and restlessness.


Anonymous said...

Paul in the 21st century. Good article and one I needed to read this morning. On the way in to work, I was literally cut off by three different cars and forced to hit the brakes - and in one case forced to swerve. My spiritual side knows to pray and forgive. My fleshly side wanted to ram them in the rear with my 89 Buick and force them off the road. Final tally:Flesh 2 Spirit 1. Still much work to do.

Joltin' Django said...

"My fleshly side wanted to ram them in the rear with my 89 Buick and force them off the road."

Sounds like me ...

Chris Martin said...

Rush hour traffic in Nashville can drive anybody bonkers.