Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm stealing Mr. Jimmy's idea...or am I?

Frequent visitors to Mr. Jimmy's BLAHBLAH know that he sometimes posts a list of songs that he is currently listening to. I always like those postings because I believe they shed some insight into the person. Plus, I like music, and I'm always interested in finding something new.

In that spirit, I thought I would post some songs I'm currently listening to. Then, I got to thinking that some of you might think that I was stealing his idea. What am I to do? Hmmmmm. I've got it. Look at it like this: This posting is paying homage to Mr. Jimmy because I am admitting that his work is influencing me.

Yeah, that's the ticket.

Anyway, here are the songs:

'Tomorrow Never Knows' by The Beatles
'Daddy Sang Bass' by Johnny Cash with June Carter Cash and The Statler Brothers
'Workin' at the Car Wash Blues' by Jim Croce
'Roll Me Away' by Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band
'Keep the Customer Satisfied' by Simon and Garfunkel
'Amos Moses' by Jerry Reed (RIP)
'Apeman' by The Kinks
'Spontaneous' by Neil Innes
'Pop Life' by Prince and the Revolution
'Badge' by Cream
'Where Did You Sleep Last Night' by Nirvana
'It Doesn’t Matter Anymore' by Buddy Holly
'Southern Accents' by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
'Sundown' by Gordon Lightfoot
'Think' by Aretha Franklin


Joltin' Django said...

"'Badge' by Cream"

One of the first songs I ever learned to play note-for-note on the guitar. I later learned to play it on bass.

Anonymous said...

Just to put you at ease, I copied somebody else in posting my playlists. Some good tunes on your current list, which reminds me I need to do a current list myself.

Chris Martin said...

misterjimmy wrote: "Just to put you at ease, I copied somebody else..."

Whew! Thanks. I feel a lot better.

Joltin' Django said...

'Amos Moses' by Jerry Reed (RIP)

The RFD Network has been showin' the first two, and only, "Jerry Reed Show" (1975) programs since JR passed away. His oldest daughter, Sedina (she was probably 16 or 17-years old at the time), sings on the second one.

I remember seeing Sedina on a JR special from '81-'82, and I remember her making me sweat, sweat, sweat. I've tried Googling her and I can't find no info. I would give anything to see what she looks like today.