Monday, September 29, 2008

Quote of the day

"The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry." – spoken by the character 'Brooks Hatlen' as portrayed by James Whitmore in the film The Shawshank Redemption.

As I steamroll into middle age, I find myself identifying more and more with that statement. I look at the pace of my life and others around me, and we seem way too busy. We're living our lives, but we aren't taking the time to slow down and enjoy it. It's all just zooming by.


Mister Jimmy said...

Great movie and great quote.
In my case the quote that gives me pause is from the movie Stand By Me:
"Friends come in and out of your lives like busboys in a restaurant."

True, true.

Anonymous said...

Both good quotes. Since we're sharing, one that I've found that applies to my outlook comes from Ghostbusters:

"What about the Twinkie?"