Thursday, May 7, 2009

I have answered the question: What is the meaning of life?

For centuries, people have sought to answer the question: What is the meaning of life? Today, while driving home, I came to an important conclusion regarding spirituality, religion, and the condition of the human heart that I believe answers this question.

Unfortunately, because I was driving, I could not write it down. Now, I have forgotten what I was going to write.

So, in place of that, please enjoy this photo of a dead possum that I took near where I work.


Mister Jimmy said...

Poor little posstum . . .

Joltin' Django said...

I can personally certify that the "posstum" in question is now a part of the Circle of Life.

That's why C's pic is now very profound ... and then some.

Anonymous said...

I think the photo says it all.

Larry J. said...

Mmmmmm. That looks like some good eatin to me.

Chris Martin said...

You better smother it in BBQ and/or hot sauce before eating that.

Of course, I'm kidding.

Mister Jimmy said...

I name that posstum 'Pinkus'! May his name live forever!

"Poor Pinkus. Poor little Pinkus."