Monday, September 14, 2009

New England Patriots throwback uniforms are worth keeping

Last month, I commented that the Tennessee Titans throwback uniforms are fantastic. Well, include the New England Patriots throwbacks that they wore in tonight's game in that category, too.

Actually, all four teams in tonight's two games wore uniforms that were modeled on the uniforms they wore in 1960. This is the 50th anniversary of the old American Football League, and most of the teams that had their start in the AFL will be wearing their old uniforms periodically throughout the season.

The Patriots throwback uniform is vastly superior to what they usually wear. Their usual helmet is one of the blandest in the NFL. It is a silver helmet with a generic logo. The uniforms they wore tonight included vividly red jerseys with the classic helmet showing a patriot snapping a football.

It's a great look.

Still, Tom Brady is no Peyton Manning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Still, Tom Brady is no Peyton Manning."

And thank goodness! I prefer >three< championships... =)