Tuesday, November 18, 2008

'The End of Reason' by Ravi Zacharias is a good read

I recently finished reading the book The End of Reason: A Response to the New Atheists by Ravi Zacharias, and it is a well thought out response to atheistic writers like Sam Harris. The book isn't only a rebuke of atheism, but also illustrates that the Bible is a reliable and believable document.

I'm tired so I'll spare you a long discussion, but click here if you want more information regarding it. It is only 144 pages and only took me a couple of hours to read. It's well worth reading if you have the time.


Mister Jimmy said...

I've wanting to read that. I hear the author on a radio program. Alas, the Davidson County Library doesn't have it.

Joltin' Django said...

I got into an online discussion with a feller recently about the whole New Atheist thing. The feller in question claimed to be an atheist, and he also expressed deep loathing for "all organized religions." When I pointed out that the New Atheism is, in fact, a religion in and of itself -- it has its own creeds, dogma, saints and "wise" men, and it deals harshly with apostates -- I was called a "Fundy Jesus Cracker" ... even though I'd never identified myself as a Christian, and even though I'd given several chapter-and-verses from the Talmud.

You know, the one thing those who "don't believe" seem to have in common is the belief that folks who "do believe" should be silenced, or shamed. Oh, and they invoke the First Amendment when they suggest such. What shameless (shameful) hypocrisy ...

I'm gonna get me a copy of that book, by the way.