The Nightly Daily is proud to announce that 'Ding Dong' mixed nuts is now the official mixed nuts of this blog.
A friend of mine recently purchased them at an international market in
Nashville, and the one bag I ate convinced me that this product needs wider exposure.
Imported from the Philippines, the snack is a mixture of cornick, green peas, cracker nuts, peanuts and fava beans. While the snack is satisfying, I must confess my fixation with it has more to do with its name.
How in the world did they arrive at the name 'Ding Dong'? Is the taste of the nuts supposed to be so potent that we should hear a doorbell in our heads when we eat them? Or is there a more sinister meaning?
I don't know. My guess is that this is another example of a foreign entity trying to enter the American market without a firm grasp on our culture. Therefore, they came up with what they thought was a clever name that would catch our attention.
However, that is pure speculation on my part. The important thing is we must remember that it is all about the nuts.
So, when you think of mixed nuts, always think: 'Ding Dong'!
Ding Dong is a pretty common first name/nickname in the Philippines. There are even celebrities who are so aptly named. Being Filipino, I'm pretty sure that the owner probably named the brand for one of his/her kids. This cultural quirk of having repeating names and variations thereof in our country are also most likely attributed to Chinese influence. As proof, you can search for names/nicknames of Chinese people and you will find the same pattern. Ding Dong mixed nuts was primarily intended for Filipino consumers in the Philippines but due to the 9 Million or so of our countrymen scattered worldwide with the US having the largest concentration, it is but natural that some our local products end up not only in your shores but in other countries as well at least to serve this niche market. Over time and not surprisingly though, other nationals like yourself might eventually take a liking for them in their respective domestic markets but due to cultural differences might ascribe the same misplaced negative connotation to the brand names of these foreign products which don't have the same issues back in their countries of origin.
Thanks for the information.
It is much appreciated.
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